Ben and Lingcod Ben Meyer, BS in Fisheries (marine emphasis) Class of 1978. I have worked for NOAA Fisheries for 22 years, 3 years for Calif. Dept. Fish and Game and periodically for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (tagging cruises). Currently, I am a fishery biologist with the Habitat Conservation Division of NOAA Fisheries in Portland Oregon, dealing with habitat issues and salmonids listed under the Endangered Species Act, overseeing NOAA Fisheries’ response to activities proposed under the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, Magnuson- Stevens Fishery and Conservation Management Act, and Rivers and Harbors Act.

As with most of the rest of you on this trip, saltwater pelagics are a passion. Land locked along the Columbia River, salmon and sturgeon are the main stay of current fishing opportunities. I am married with one daughter heading off to Washington State University this fall.