Name: Eric Pedersen

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4318

Chula Vista, CA 91909

Home Address:

Calle San Ignacio #253

Fracc. Villas Cibola del Mar

Ensenada, Baja California, México

C.P. 22670

Tel: 52-646-174-6360

Fax: 52-646-174-7306


Married to Wife Alma Gloria with 2 beautiful daughters, Kirsten age 15 and Ariana age 3.

Education: somewhat; graduated from HSU Marine Fisheries program in 1984.

Work: sometimes; Legal Representative in Mexico for the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, stationed in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico Field Office since June 1984.

New work: Starting a tuna and yellowtail fish farm in Ensenada in 2003.

Fishing interests: YES, like to fish for just about anything that can bend a rod. Specially marine pelagics like tuna, dodo’s, yellows, WSB, wahoo, and have caught 2 blue marlin, 24 striped marlin, and 3 sailfish. I particularly like to practice the art of fillet-and-release.

Have lived in worked in Ensenada, Mexico for the last 20 years, and would find it extremely difficult to move back north of the border. Just have become a little to accustomed to the Mexican way of life, slower pace, no traffic or congestion, wild and breathtaking coastline, and OUTSTANDING fishing. People are truly genuine and warm, great grinds, and pretty women…who could ask for more right?

I have my own boat, a 24 foot Trophy Bayliner, named "Almita" after my wife who lets me fish pretty much whenever I want to or whenever we need fresh fish on the table.

Look forward to sharing the rail with all my buddies who were fortunate enough to make the first annual event, and making new friends on this years trip.

Eric E. Pedersen

A.K.A. "El Chili Guero"